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Cultural thursdays are back at the UIS

Image of a comedian

With the presentation of ‘Nada en particular’ by the comedian Paulo Hernandez, this January 20th, the space ‘Juevescénico’ will return to the open-air auditorium José Antonio Galán of the Universidad Industrial de Santander.

Paulo Hernandez is one of the most prominent comedians of the national scene, has had different stagings throughout the country. He has also participated in programs such as ‘Colombia Ríe’, ‘Comediantes de la noche’ and has been invited on several occasions to the international channel Comedy Central.

In addition, he has been in ‘Con Ánimo De Ofender’, the first series/documentary/vlog of stand up in Colombia, in which bullying is the currency; and humor, a way of life. This YouTube channel has more than 1 million subscribers.

These have been some of Hernandez’s participations in the mentioned format: and

‘Juevescénico’ is a space for stories and art created by the Cultural Direction of the University for the enjoyment of the entire community. The activity will begin at 4:00 p.m. and admission is free for the UIS Community. For external visitors, you must apply for admission through this link: