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Circulates the third edition of ‘Patenta2’… A space for UIS research!

In this opportunity the university community and the general public can learn about the research advances made by the Universidad Industrial de Santander. Five new results of the creation of patented knowledge, achieved by the scientific work of our researchers, are presented in this third edition.

This virtual and printed newsletter highlights the University’s research work for solutions, based on natural and biodegradable elements, to capture vectors that cause serious diseases such as Dengue, Chikungunya, Zika, among others.

You will also find an innovation where, through a device, the air is converted into drinking water, a benefit for populations that do not have access to the precious liquid, and that is arid, and humid.

Read on the UIS website this new edition of the institutional scientific contribution, represented in the patents granted by the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce of Colombia.

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