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C, D, E, F-antastic, this is what the Daniel Casas building, home of the UIS School of Arts, looks like from today on.

Image showing the new facilities of the Daniel Casas building, headquarters of the UIS School of Arts.
Image of the new facilities of the Daniel Casas building, headquarters of the UIS School of Arts.

Communications Department

This Monday, January 31, was a special day for the academic community of the School of Arts of the Universidad Industrial de Santander. After several months of continuous and dedicated work, the renovated facilities of the Daniel Casas building were put at the service of students and professors, who now have more comfortable spaces for their training.

With musical stations and a tour of each of the three floors, Robinson Giraldo Villegas, director of the School, acted as a guide before welcoming the members of the Superior, Academic and Faculty of Human Sciences councils, as well as students, professors and other people who were present at the site.

“In the new facilities we have large spaces, areas equipped with high technology that allow the School’s community and external public to have a wonderful teaching and learning experience in the different processes that we develop here in the academic unit,” said Giraldo Villegas.

The second floor houses the professors’ lounge, open coworking spaces that set a new work standard, waiting rooms, student services, a meeting room, a renovated storeroom and better places for instrumental and pedagogical classes.

On the second floor there are theory classrooms equipped with a hybrid system, a renovated piano laboratory, and rooms for the teaching and learning process of the complementary piano part.

“The third floor has the great novelty of the Phonographic and Audiovisual Production Laboratory, which is being completed. Also, the technological equipment is in process, which will strengthen the research work, supporting interpretative and pedagogical processes. It will also be a center for the provision of goods and services for the university and external community. In this new stage, the School of Arts has the goal of becoming one of the promoters of cultural, social and economic development in the Department, based on music”, added Giraldo Villegas.

These spaces are already at the disposal of professors, administrative staff, students and graduates of the Bachelor’s Degree in Music, who appreciated and expressed their gratitude for the work carried out at the site.

“The students of the Bachelor’s Degree in Music deserved spaces like these, and all the professors are happy to have a place like this to develop our work. It is beautiful to create, play, sing in beautiful and adequate facilities like these,” said Luz Helena Peñaranda López, professors of the School of Arts.

Along the same lines, Daniel Valderrama Hoyos, student of the Bachelor’s Degree in Music, expressed his gratitude for “the adequate spaces to be able to do what we come to do, which is art. In the previous school we made double or triple the effort to produce optimal results as artists, so to receive these modern spaces is gratifying”.

In the Daniel Casas building, the graduates of the program are also welcomed with the different projects that exist at the School. Such is the case of Mariana Arenas Rodríguez, who showed her talent playing the marimba, marveling the visitors who were on the tour.

“It is an incredible opportunity for the new generations and for those who are about to graduate, because the renovation provides possibilities that we did not have. It generates a lot of illusion even for us graduates because before many things were created for the art and culture of the department and now with the renovation it will be something more incredible,” said Rodriguez, who received his degree in December 2021. The day also highlighted the teamwork of the choral and instrumental practice of the Bachelor’s Degree in Music with an ensemble in which the members of the Arcos Orchestra, the Band and in the vocal part the UIS Pre-Coro, the Cantemus Choir and the Choral Practice participated, who all together performed the work ‘El bullerengue’ by the Santander composer José Antonio Rincón.