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Bienestar estudiantil strengthens prevention programs against skin cancer and other diseases

Student welfare
Student welfare

With the purpose of providing information and guidance to members of the academic community, the UIS held the first massive day of the campaign: ‘Prevention of skin cancer’, this included academic talks and topics of interest, related to this pathology.

This was a strategic alliance between Bienestar Estudiantil and the Santandereana League Against Cancer, where health professionals and interns resolved doubts about this pathology.

In addition, information was provided on the respective care to avoid skin cancer at an early age and they were taught everything related to the identification of skin cancer. 

This academic activity is part of the preventive programs offered by Bienestar Estudiantil to the entire university community. In addition, it is planned to continue holding talks of this type in order to prevent pathologies such as breast, testicular and cervical cancers, among others.

“We invite the student community to come to the different workshops that we will be developing on cancer prevention, not only skin cancer, but other types that can affect the body. This is very important to detect any anomaly in their bodies and to know in time the possible onset of a pathology”, informed Teresa Briceño, coordinator of Integral Health and Psychosocial Development Services of Bienestar Estudiantil.

To motivate the prevention of skin cancer, the UIS gave sunscreen to students who paid their health fees at the beginning of the semester.

Diana Albarracín Rueda, a law student, said that “this initiative is very good because sunscreens are not easily accessible, so this helps us to prevent skin cancer. In the talk they taught us about the possible changes in the body to detect cancer at an early age, it was really very complete”.