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Learn about the challenges of fungal infections in felines and the risk of transmission to humans!

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Stefany Lozada Alvarado, Bacteriologist and Clinical Laboratorian of the Universidad Industrial de Santander. Microbiologist and Clinical Chemist from the University of Costa Rica. Master in Microbiology with emphasis in Medical Mycology from the University of Costa Rica. Coordinator of the medical mycology section of the Clinical Laboratory and Blood Bank of the University of Costa […]

Participate in the workshop: Deconstructing stereotypes, décollage, and gender equity

Línea gráfica taller Deconstruyendo estereotipos IPRED 2025.

In the framework of Gender Equity Month, the Visual Arts program of the Institute of Regional Projection and Distance Education IPRED-UIS invites the academic community to participate in the workshop entitled: Deconstructing stereotypes, décollage and gender equity”, which will be held next Thursday, March 20 at 12:00 noon at the Plazoleta Luis A. Calvo. This […]

School of Economics led dialogues for the construction of the Public Policy on Science, Technology and Innovation in Barrancabermeja

Representantes de las organizaciones y entidades participantes de los diálogos.

With the objective of strengthening research, technological development and innovation in the department, the UIS Barrancabermeja headquarters was the venue for the sixth provincial dialogue for the construction of the Public Policy on Science, Technology and Innovation (CTeI) of Santander. This space for discussion and collective construction brought together representatives of private companies, local and […]

UIS Malaga campus commemorates 29 years of academic excellence in the region

Comunidad universitaria asiste a la conmemoración de la Sede UIS Málaga

The UIS Malaga Campus proudly celebrated 29 years of history and academic excellence in the province of Garcia Rovira, North and Gutierrez. For almost three decades, this institution has been a fundamental pillar in professional training, with around 5 thousand students trained and more than 1,200 graduates who today contribute to regional development. The commemoration […]

UIS professor invited to the French residency in Colombia

Miembros de la junta directiva de ACOLPROF junto al embajador Fránces

Did you know that in Colombia, French is the second most taught foreign language? For this reason, the French Embassy in Colombia works actively to increase the presence of French in the country’s schools, cooperating with key actors such as the Colombian Ministry of National Education, education ministries, French Alliances and various educational institutions. In […]

Candidate forums for the University Welfare and Enrollment Committees have begun

Estudiantes del foro programado con los candidatos a las representaciones estudiantiles en las instalaciones del Instituto Industrial “Emeterio Duarte”

At the UIS Malaga campus, the round of forums scheduled as part of the process to elect student representatives to the University Welfare Committee and the Enrollment Committee began. At about 10:30 a.m. this Monday, the scheduled forum with the candidates for student representation was opened at the facilities of the Industrial Institute “Emeterio Duarte”, […]

Registration for the Medical Surgical Specialties is now open

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The School of Medicine informs that the inscriptions are open for the Medical Surgical Specialties for the year 2025, according to Academic Council Agreement 036 of February 25, 2025. Place of development of the programs: Bucaramanga – Santander.Registration Deadline: May 30, 2025 Click on the following link for more information:

XXI Pan-American Congress of Anatomy, XXVII Congress of Anatomy of the Southern Cone, and XVII Colombian Congress of Morphology, will be held at the Universidad Industrial de Santander

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A great academic event organized by the Department of Basic Sciences of the School of Medicine will be held at the School of Health from October 14 to 18. The joint realization of three important congresses in the field of Anatomy and Morphology: a) XXI Pan-American Congress of Anatomy. b) XXVII Congress of Anatomy of […]