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Medical evaluations and good habits, keys to avoid kidney disease

Graphic piece with information on kidney care.

Today, on World Kidney Day, the Specialized Health Unit of the Universidad Industrial de Santander, UISALUD, wants to raise awareness about the importance of this organ and its functions, with the aim of preventing kidney diseases that affect the population. Renal health is fundamental for general wellbeing, since the kidneys perform vital functions, such as […]

The UIS Listening Center implements the “Tatkii” strategy to facilitate university adaptation

Implementación estrategia “Tatkii” del Centro de Escucha con estudiante de primer año UIS 2025.

In an effort to support first-year students, the Listening Center of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) has launched the “Tatkii” strategy, which means “take the first steps”. This initiative, designed especially for those students coming from remote areas of Bucaramanga, took place yesterday afternoon with the objective of facilitating their adaptation to academic life. […]

Call for the Second Session of the UIS Network of Knowledge

Línea gráfica 2da sesión Red de Saberes UIS 2025

The Vice Rector’s Office for Research and Extension of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) invites the entire student community to participate in the second session of the UIS Knowledge Network, scheduled for tomorrow, Friday, March 14, at 12:00 m. in the Jorge Zalamea auditorium. Under the slogan “Uniting minds, creating future”, this event is […]

Right to die with dignity is the main theme of the forum to be held by UISALUD

Experts who will be part of the forum.

In order to explain the rights at the end of life, the Specialized Health Unit of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UISALUD) will hold the forum “Myths and realities of the right to die with dignity”, on March 18 at the Aula Máxima de Ciencias. The purpose of this event is to clarify the essential […]