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UIS scientist will be speaker at TEDxBucaramanga

Imagen que muestra a Julián Rodríguez Ferreira

Julián Rodríguez Ferreira is an outstanding professor and scientist at the Universidad Industrial de Santander and thanks to his experience and impact on society he will be one of the speakers at TEDxBucaramanga to be held this February 20 at the main auditorium of the Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga (Unab). He is attached to the […]

UIS Library will receive degree works until March 5 for the next ceremonies.

Facade of the UIS Central Library.

The Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) informs its students that the deadline for submitting degree projects to the Central Library is Wednesday, March 5. This requirement is essential for those who wish to participate in the graduation ceremonies scheduled for March 27 and 28. Thanks to the digitization of the process, the deposit of degree […]