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Academic offerings of the UIS could have presence in Magdalena

Imagen del vicerrector académico recibiendo a la delegada de la Gobernación de Magdalena

Executives of the Universidad Industrial de Santander met with delegates from the Governor’s Office of Magdalena with the objective of developing a wide range of dual training programs and analyzing possibilities of alliances in different areas. “With the Government of Magdalena we have a long-standing agreement that has favored low-income students to support and sustain […]

G-4 rectors propose that 1% of GDP be earmarked to fund public higher education

During the first 2025 meeting of G-4 rectors, which is made up of the rectors of the four largest public universities in the country: the Universidad Industrial de Santander, the Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UNAL), the Universidad de Antioquia and the Universidad del Valle, it was concluded that the goal of public universities and institutions […]