Bienestar Estudiantil invites to reflection activities on violence against women

Student Welfare of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) invites the university community to participate in the various activities scheduled as part of the commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, which will be held from November 27 to 29 at the institution. This Wednesday, November 27, at 2:00 p.m., […]
Students of the School of Nursing participated in the International Congress

Camilo Andrés Parra Portilla, student of the School of Nursing, and member of the research seedbed GRINFER, participated in the VII International Congress of Nursing and Health: Challenges faced by health professionals and VI Meeting of Research Seedbeds – Santa Marta, organized by the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia from October 2 to 4. Camilo Andrés […]
Professor of the School of Nursing participated in the Pan-American Colloquium on Nursing Research 2024

Diana Carolina Tiga Loza, professor at the School of Nursing and member of the GRINFER research group, presented a poster at the XVIII Pan-American Colloquium on Nursing Research 2024, held at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. The poster presented was entitled “Development of an application to support adherence to tuberculosis treatment”. This work presented […]
Department of Basic Sciences of the School of Medicine participated in an International Colloquium

Professor Carlos Arturo Conde Cotes, professor attached to the Department of Basic Sciences, Physiology Section, and member of the Neurosciences and Behavior group UIS – UPB; Angie Sidney Naranjo Garcia, professor of the Department of Basic Sciences, Physiology Section, II year PhD student in Biomedical Sciences UIS, member of the group of Neurosciences and Behavior […]