Deadline for payment of registration fees is Wednesday, November 27th

Attention! If you want to study any of the 35 undergraduate programs offered by the Universidad Industrial de Santander, this information is of interest to you. Tomorrow, Wednesday, November 27 is the last day to make the registration payment and then, Friday, November 29 is the last day to make the web registration that allows […]
Participate in the II Meeting of the Economy of Cultures, Creativity and Knowledge – CreActiva

The Cultural and Creative Business Administration program of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) invites the community to participate in the II Meeting of the Economy of Cultures, Creativity and Knowledge – CreActiva. This event will take place next Friday, November 29, from 2:00 to 8:00 p.m., in the main auditorium of the UIS Floridablanca […]
UIS was awarded in the IV Rebeca Uribe Bone National Award

The School of Chemical Engineering of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) stood out last Friday, November 22, when it received the Rebeca Uribe Bone National Award in the innovation category. This award, granted by the Professional Council of Chemical Engineering of Colombia (CPIQ), recognizes the best degree option in Chemical Engineering developed by women […]