The XXV University Week at the Socorro Campus closed with resounding success

The UIS Socorro Campus experienced days of joy, culture and sports during the XXV University Week, an event that, at the closing of its doors, was hailed as a resounding success. Thousands of students, teachers, administrative staff and members of the community in general participated in an agenda full of activities that celebrated diversity and […]
Leandro Rojas, Master’s student in Electronic Engineering, represented the UIS in an international course on astronomy

Leandro Rojas Rodríguez described as a “wonderful experience” his participation in the eighth edition of the Spring School in Córdoba (Argentina), which promoted the use of space technologies for Earth observation and analysis of natural resources. The young man is a Master’s student in Electronic Engineering and a member of the Control, Electronics, Modeling and […]
International cooperation with Korea is committed to strengthening the PTG UIS

With the firm purpose of promoting Information Technology in Santander and in the country, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Korean Technology Park Association (KTPA), the Industrial University of Santander (UIS) and the National Planning Department (DNP) launched the technical cooperation that will enhance the IT capabilities of the Guatiguará Technology Park (PTG) of the […]
Electrocardiography Research Group participated in the III Cochrane Symposium Colombia, 2024

The Electrocardiography Research Group and its Cardiovascular Research Semillero UIS, participated with six completed research papers in the “III Cochrane Colombia Symposium ‘Innovation in Evidence Synthesis and Knowledge Transfer’, held on October 24 and 25, 2024, at the facilities of the Hospital San José FUCS, Bogotá, Colombia. The papers presented were: *Thoracic Aortic Diameter and […]
UIS student: consult the enrollment report guide 2024 -2

Student Welfare of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) extends an invitation to all students who are beneficiaries of the “Renta Joven” program to review the information corresponding to the enrollment report (R1) 2024-2. For students of programs that had a change of curriculum, with change of SNIES code, all periods enrolled since the beginning […]
You can register for the academic vulnerability case study for the 2025-1 canteen service until November 7.

UIS student, register to find out if you are part of the academic vulnerability group. Keep in mind that this group includes users who, due to situations derived from family, economic or social circumstances, are at risk of losing their status as undergraduate students due to poor academic performance. Vulnerability criteria to apply for study: […]