Registration open for postgraduate research programs: 1st Academic Semester 2023

The UIS Postgraduate Department informs that the registration process is now open for the following postgraduate programs: research masters and doctoral programs for the first academic period of 2023. Enrollment begins: August 12, 2022. Useful links: Requirements for applicants to research graduate programs, schedule of reading comprehension and written production test in Spanish and foreign […]
UIS is a finalist in the 28th edition of the ‘Colombian Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism’

With two architectural works of great impact, the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) consolidates its position as a finalist in the 28th edition of the Colombian Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism, a distinguished event in the world of architecture. This year’s finalists in the institutional buildings category are the Administration 1 building on the main […]