More than 5,000 Colombians joined the great national conversation “Tenemos que hablar Colombia”

United in a single national voice, thousands of Colombians from all corners of the country gathered to participate in the dialogue strategy “Tenemos que hablar Colombia” (TQH), an initiative that gathered concerns and reflections, with a view to the 2022 electoral process. There were more than 1,453 conversations with 5,159 people from all over the […]
France and the UIS strengthen relations after visit of the ambassador of the European country to the institution

Developing a special relationship with the UIS in the renewable energy sector, mainly in hydrogen, was one of the main conclusions of the visit of Frédéric Doré, the French ambassador in Colombia, to the Universidad Industrial de Santander. During his stay, he received the attention of the University’s directors, who showed him the advances that […]
Seven researchers are honored at the Eloy Valenzuela Awards 2021

In a solemn ceremony, seven researchers from the Universidad Industrial de Santander were honored with the Eloy Valenzuela Award for the quality of their work in the categories of consolidated researcher and researcher in formation. The event began with the conference ‘What now in higher education?’ by Dr. Salvador Malo Álvarez, a physics graduate from […]