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Folklore, vallenato, rap, cinema and much more this coming week at UIS

Communications Department From the Cultural Direction of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) an invitation is extended to the entire community to participate in the sample of artistic, cultural, social, and entertainment activities that the university promotes free of charge. People of all ages are invited to attend the weekly schedule of outdoor events, including […]

Professors and students from the school of health will learn about academic exchange options offered by the UIS foreign affairs office.

Communications Department In order to clarify concerns regarding agreements as well as national and international mobility, the professionals of the External Relations Office, Nidia Milena Jaimes Padilla and Mayra Jurado Villamizar, will present to students and professors of the Health Faculty the different options that exist to have an academic exchange experience. Day: March 10th […]

Schedule up to participate from march 9th to 11th in the ” III Jornadas de estudios históricos – perspectivas de Colombia y América Latina en el siglo XIX”.

Communications Department The Historical Studies Conferences are part of the solidarity extension events organized by the School of History of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS), which have been held since 2017. This time, under the leadership of professors Ana Milena Rhenals Doria and Alfonso Antonio Fernández Villa, its third edition will be held on […]