School of Microbiology starts the self-evaluation process for the renewal of accreditation of the Microbiology and Bioanalysis Program

Communications Department With the purpose of advancing in the renewal of the high-quality accreditation of the Microbiology and Bioanalysis program, the School of Microbiology started the self-evaluation process. The objective of this initial phase is to adjust the program’s self-evaluation model, which includes 12 factors that will be subsequently evaluated and weighted by the different […]
Language School starts the social campaign ‘how to identify students who…’

Communications Department Within the framework of the subject Critical Pedagogy, the School of Languages will hold the social campaign How to identify students who… This meeting will have presentations and interactive exhibitions that will be shown on February 28 and March 1. The activity is under the direction of professor Margarita Daza Murcia, who seeks […]
Cátedra Libre february 2022 edition now in circulation

CÁTEDRA LIBRE is now available in digital version on our website and in a few days in print edition, with some current issues of Santander and Colombia, as well as of the University. The article “Inflation eats up family income” stands out on the cover, since the cost of the family basket has risen 17% […]
Finally, four candidates will face the 2022-2025 Rector designation process

Communications Department The Academic Council of the Universidad Industrial de Santander, in its capacity as Credentials Committee, in an extraordinary session held on February 23rd, 2022, proceeded to analyze the claims presented by two of the applicants who did not meet the minimum requirements for the position of Rector of the Universidad Industrial de Santander. […]
Physiotherapy graduate will be the next guest at “a coffee with alumni”.

Communications Department Olga Villamil, a 1994 graduate of the Physical Therapy program, with more than 27 years of professional experience, will be the next guest at a coffee with alumni. In response to the North American shortage of physical therapists, Olga immigrated to the U.S. in 1996. There she worked in Gary Indiana, Chicago, Illinois […]
UIS will hire 26 new occasional professors in the public tender for the common cycle

Communications Department In order to strengthen the training mission process, the Universidad Industrial de Santander identified the need to expand the staff of the professor level to meet the requirements of academic programs that offer subjects with common cycles. For this reason, by means of Acuerdo n.° 054 de 2021 from Superior Council added sixty-five […]