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The UIS library offers weekly trainings on the use of its new platforms

The ‘Itinerary of weekly trainings’ included in the ‘Portfolio of Electronic Resources 2022’ of the Library of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) continues with the purpose of informing students about the criteria of usability, multidisciplinary content available and the database focused on teaching and research. The university community, in these training spaces, can request […]

UIS Nutrition and Dietetics program receives a 7-year renewal of its accreditation

With great pleasure students, professors, administrative staff and alumni of the Nutrition and Dietetics program at UIS received the decision of the Ministerio de Educación Nacional, Ministerio de Educación Nacional, MEN, to approve the modification and renewal of the qualified registration of the Nutrition and Dietetics program offered in the city of Bucaramanga, for a […]

Let’s talk about special transitional peace constituencies

Understanding peace as a fundamental axis for the development of the country, the School of Law and Political Science UIS will offer a constitutional law class, open to the public, on the special transitional peace constituencies, on Tuesday, February 8th at 10:00 a. m. “The special transitional peace constituencies had a stumbling block in the […]