Process of designation of the rector 2022-2025 bulletin No. 1

The General Secretariat of the Universidad Industrial de Santander in exercise of the functions entrusted to it in Article 3 of the Agreement of the Superior Council No. 01 of 2022, which approves the call for the process of appointment of the Rector of the Universidad Industrial de Santander for the period 2022 – 2025, […]
UIS language institute renovates and launches new state-of-the-art technology centers

Equipped sites UIS Language Institute With the latest technology, to strengthen and facilitate student learning, the UIS Language Institute is renewed. The new branches are located in Cabecera (Calle 58 #32-33) and Floridablanca (Calle 5 con cerrera 5). The doors are open to the public from Tuesday, February 1. Both locations will offer semi-intensive courses […]
Inscriptions are open to participate in the UIS professoral public tender

Registrations are open until February 28 for the public call to select permanent professors to work at the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS). There are 78 positions available (57 are for full time and 21 for part time). In this link you can review the specific areas in which personnel are required: Professionals who […]
Mathematics Seminar: ¡Registration open for 2022-1!

Until next Friday, February 25th, there is a deadline for those interested in registering for the ‘Mathematics Research Seedbed’, offered by the School of Mathematics of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) for the first academic period of 2022. The project is aimed at children and young people from first to ninth grade. It is […]
Open enrollment for the VII Cohort of the Master’s Degree in Management and Public Policies

Registrations are open until February 7th, 2022 for the seventh cohort of the Master’s program in Management and Public Policy, offered by the School of Economics and Administration of the Universidad Industrial de Santander. This postgraduate training is aimed at professionals from all areas of knowledge interested in training for public positions and those concerning […]
Medical school welcomes 19 residents

The 19 residents of medical-surgical specialties correspond to: 6 students from the Specialization in Internal Medicine; 3 from the Specialization in Pathology; 3 from the Specialization in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery; 3 from the Specialization in General Surgery; 2 from the Specialization in Orthopedics; 1 from the Specialization in Pediatrics and 1 from the Specialization […]
¡Participate as speaker! 6th event successful experiences in the implementation of ICT in education 2021-2

The Academic Vice Rector’s Office and the ICT Leading Team – ELTIC, in the framework of the “Policy to support training through Information and Communication Technologies”, invite you to participate as a speaker at the 6th event “Successful experiences in the implementation of ICT in teaching” in which educational experiences with the incorporation of ICT […]
Hechos UIS: First issue of 2022 is already in circulation. What are you waiting for to read it!

With a wide variety of topics on the daily events of the Universidad Industrial de Santander, the 127th edition of Hechos UIS began to circulate. You can find it in print format, at strategic points of the central campus and the headquarters, and digitally on the web portal, through the links: and […]