Important benefits for UIS students were approved by the Superior Council. Here’s how to access them!

The creation of the ‘Auxilio de Sostenimiento Estudiantil para Sedes Regionales’, the establishment of forgivable credits for subsidized research master’s and doctoral programs and mixed research master’s programs, in addition to the extension of the special tuition financing program, were the three main agreements approved at the recent session of the Superior Council, which will […]
Start of the call for outgoing mobility 2022-2

The time has come for students interested in participating in national or international academic mobility initiatives, during the second semester of 2022, to be properly informed and to complete the necessary steps to make this purpose a reality. To this end The Office of External Relations invites undergraduate in-person modality and distance learning students and […]
Conference ‘Hegelian messages: 200 years of Hegel’s philosophy of law’, 2 february at the UIS

With the purpose of remembering Hegel, one of the most important thinkers of modernity, the School of Law and Political Science will hold the seminar ‘Hegelian Messages: 200 years after Hegel’s Philosophy of Law’. Hegel’s Philosophy of Law is one of the most important works of German legal philosophical discourse and has become one of […]
Call for the appointment of the UIS rector 2022-2025

In view of the termination of Dr. Hernán Porras Díaz’s term as Rector, scheduled for May 6, 2022, the Superior Council of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS), meeting on January 31, 2022, issued the following agreements: El Acuerdo no. 001 by which the call for the process of designation of the rector of the […]
The methodology for the verification of requirements and evaluation of academic merits of the candidates for UIS rector 2022 – 2025 has been defined

The Academic Council, in a session held this Tuesday, approved Acuerdo No. 024, which establishes how the requirements will be verified and the academic merits of the candidates for the position of Rector of the Universidad Industrial de Santander, for the period 2022 – 2025, will be evaluated. The Agreement stipulates the qualifications of those […]
UIS physicians participated in the International Hernia Congress

With a research that allowed comparing the outcomes of the different surgical approaches used for the management of diaphragmatic hernias, Sergio Alejandro Gómez Ochoa, UIS graduate physician, and Andrea Carolina Quiroga Centeno, fourth year resident of the UIS General Surgery postgraduate course, participated in the “Hernia Congress”, an annual event that brings together European and […]
With the work ‘orígenes y legado mujer indígena’, Franklin Piaguaje won at the ‘Festival Latinograff Minga’ festival

With his work ‘Origins and Legacy of Indigenous Women’, Franklin Piaguaje, member of the Siona indigenous community and student of Plastic Arts of the Institute of Regional Projection and Distance Education (Ipred) of the Universidad Industrial de Santander, was the winner of the ‘Latin Graff Festival 2021: Minga’, a project that brings together different neo-muralist […]
Santander University Hospital accreditation bulletin #29

Dear university community, You are invited to read the 29th issue of the HUS Accreditation Bulletin. In this magazine, you will find the results of the seventh cycle of accreditation and the main products generated from each of the groups of standards. To view it, please download the PDF file or click on the following […]
Bulletin N° 40 – receiving the booster vaccine increases protection against new Covid-19 variants… Boost your protection!

In view of the peak of COVID-19 infections that the country is facing, the Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social urged the community, especially the population over 50 years of age, to apply the booster dose in a timely manner or to complete the scheme, if they have not yet done so. In view of […]