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Cultural thursdays are back at the UIS

With the presentation of ‘Nada en particular’ by the comedian Paulo Hernandez, this January 20th, the space ‘Juevescénico’ will return to the open-air auditorium José Antonio Galán of the Universidad Industrial de Santander. Paulo Hernandez is one of the most prominent comedians of the national scene, has had different stagings throughout the country. He has […]

UIS Scientific Research Ethics Committee presents the schedule of sessions for 2022

The Committee on Ethics in Scientific Research of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (CEINCI) presents to the university community the schedule of the sessions to be held from February 4 to December 9, 2022. Requests for evaluation of ethical aspects must be submitted at least eight (8) days before the scheduled session, so it is […]

Tell us about your experience with UIS! The PQRDS information system is at your service

In order to offer guarantees of constant interaction with the UIS community and society, the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) has enabled the Information System of Petitions, Complaints, Claims, Suggestions and Acknowledgements (PQRDS), which is coordinated by the Internal Control and Management Evaluation Department. This is a space where the community can express their opinion […]