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Open enrollment in postgraduate research programs: First academic semester of 2022

Communications Department Until January 24th there is a deadline to make the payment to enroll in the Doctorate or Master’s Degree in Materials Engineering offered by the School of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science of the Universidad Industrial de Santander. The purpose of the PhD is to train advanced-level researchers to be autonomous and creative […]

Get ready to enjoy a new year of “Vecinos y Amigos” at the UIS

Communications Department The Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) will open, starting Sunday, January 16, once again the doors of its main campus for the enjoyment of various recreational, recreational and cultural spaces created for the entire community as part of the “Vecinos y Amigos” (Neighbors and Friends) program. The day begins at 8:00 a.m. and […]

The Master’s Degree in Microbiology is now open for enrollment

Communications Department The School of Microbiology of the Universidad Industrial de Santander has open enrollment for the fifth cohort of the Master in Microbiology. Enrollment payment is due by January 24, 2022. This postgraduate program is a research program with mixed funding offered by the School of Microbiology. It is developed in the city of […]

Colombian citizenship and civility in Cátedra UIS

This Monday, January 17th, we will give continuity to the component of citizenship and Colombian civility in CÁTEDRA UIS, with the lecture “Assumption of citizenship: rights and duties” by Professor Luis Alejandro Palacio García, attached to the school of economics and administration of the university. The lecture will be transmitted through the Zoom videoconferencing platform, […]

Diploma in Dimensioning and Operation of Photovoltaic Systems

The School of Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Telecommunications of the UIS, is pleased to invite you to participate in the fourth cohort of our program, DIPLOMA IN DIMENSIONING AND OPERATION OF PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMS. Classes begin on: March 18th, 2022. Name of the Program: DIPLOMA COURSE IN SIZING AND OPERATION OF PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMS Mode of instruction: […]