The Electrocardiography Research Group and its Cardiovascular Research Semillero UIS, participated with six completed research papers in the “III Cochrane Colombia Symposium ‘Innovation in Evidence Synthesis and Knowledge Transfer’, held on October 24 and 25, 2024, at the facilities of the Hospital San José FUCS, Bogotá, Colombia.
The papers presented were:
*Thoracic Aortic Diameter and Cardiovascular Events and Mortality among Women and Men. Authors: Oscar Leonel Rueda-Ochoa, Isabella Perez-Mazenett, Daniela F. Márquez-Duran et al.
*Survival After Uncomplicated EVAR in Octogenarians is Similar to the General Population of Octogenarians Without an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. Authors: Oscar Leonel Rueda-Ochoa, María Alejandra Rey, Flora Sofia Rodríguez et al.
*Which indices of heart rate variability are the best predictors of mortality after acute myocardial infarction? Meta-analysis of observational studies. Authors: Oscar Leonel Rueda-Ochoa, Luisa F. Osorio-Romero, Lizeth Daniela Sanchez-Méndez.
*Heart Rate Variability as a Predictor Factor of the Development of Preeclampsia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Authors: Oscar Leonel Rueda-Ochoa, Laura S. Cordero-Agón, Karoll J. Quiroz-Vargas, Andrea J. Pico-Camacho.
*Impact of variability in systolic blood pressure on the efficacy of intensive treatment: a secondary analysis of the sprint study. Autores: Oscar Leonel Rueda-Ochoa, María A. Reyes-Prada, Ronnie S Celis-Amaya, Lyda M. Herrera-Sanchez.
*Impact of cumulative Systolic Blood Pressure and serious adverse events on efficacy of intensive blood pressure treatment. A Secondary Analysis of the SPRINT Trial. Autores: Oscar Leonel Rueda-Ochoa, Lyda Mariana Herrera-Sanchez, Lyda Z. Rojas et al.
The professors also took advantage of this academic space to update and expand their knowledge and participated in the workshops:
- Scoping reviews in evidence synthesis.
- RoB 2 risk of bias assessment
- Artificial intelligence supported literature search
- Map of evidence gaps.