Words of gratitude from the professors and smiles on the little ones were the final result of the visit of the UIS to the Luis Carlos Galán Sarmiento School – Headquarters C of Piedecuesta. Indeed, the institutional project ‘Donaciones con responsabilidad social UIS’ reached its first official delivery of the year 2022 and fulfilled the proposed objective.
The visit was made official through Resolution No. 0149 of February 2, 2022, through which the delivery of academic elements, furniture and school kits was ordered, with the purpose of contributing to a high-quality public education in the municipalities of Santander and throughout the country.
Chairs, desks, tables, boards, televisions, laboratory equipment, stretchers, books, among others, were the elements delivered, which benefit not only the C School of the Luis Carlos Galán Sarmiento School, but also different schools in Bucaramanga and its metropolitan area.
The coordinator of the C Campus, Berta Eulalia Daza Benítez, sent a message of gratitude to the UIS during the delivery ceremony: “We are all excited by the visit of the UIS; thanks for this furniture and supplies, not only the C Campus, but several branches of the Luis Carlos Galán Sarmiento School were benefited. Now the children can study in better conditions and this is evident in the face of each one of them, thank you UIS”.
On the other hand, Daniela Paola García Agüero, a third grade student of the Luis Carlos Galán Sarmiento School, highlighted the importance of these elements: “On behalf of all my classmates from C School, thank you for the desks, boards, colors and books, I feel very excited and more eager to study at my school, thank you very much UIS”. In addition, the ceremony was attended by two members of UIS Dances, who presented some aspects of this university group and delighted the children with a presentation of traditional Colombian music.