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Poster describing characteristics of the mentioned programs.

Communications Department

The School of History of the Universidad Industrial de Santander informed that until January 24th, the enrollment period will be open for those interested in registering for their PhD or Master’s degree.
The first of these has a total of 80 credits, lasts six semesters and is carried out in person at the central campus of the institution. This program is based on the school’s long research experience, which for more than three decades has trained leading professional historians in the region and the country; on the high qualifications and academic production of its professors, both permanent and visiting national and international; and on the work of three research groups, recognized for their contributions to the construction of Colombian historical knowledge.

In addition, doctoral students have the support of a rich specialized bibliographic collection and our invaluable Regional Historical Archive, an important source of documentation for historical research in the region and the country, which is under the custody of the School of History.

The Doctorate is endorsed by the Ministerio de Educación and in 2020 received the renewal of the Qualified Registration. (Qualified Registration: Res. Ministerio de Educación 5100 of March 25th, 2021).
In the case of the Master’s program, the period is four semesters, consists of 58 credits, and is taught on-site at the central campus. In 2019, it obtained high quality accreditation for eight years. (Qualified registration: Res. Ministerio de Educación 9695 of September 11, 2019).
This program was created in 1993, during this time it has consolidated a tradition of research recognized nationally and internationally thanks to its publications and the professional performance of its graduates. Currently, its curriculum is harmoniously articulated with the Doctorate, expanding lines and approaches to research; this is why the graduates of the Master’s program have the possibility of continuing their academic training with the Doctorate, homologating two semesters of the courses taken.

The School of History of the UIS has more than 30 years of experience, a highly qualified faculty, and consolidated lines of research. The two programs are supported by research groups qualified in category A1 of the Ministerio de Ciencia Tecnología e Innovación and receive subsidies from the Universidad Industrial de Santander.

For more information on how to enroll in either of the two graduate programs, please call 3147765053 or 6344000 extension 2637.

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If you are interested in knowing more details about the PhD, please visit this link: and in the case of the Master’s program, access here: