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Consultorio Jurídico y Centro de Conciliación UIS Begins Personalized Assistance

Final-year law students, with the support of faculty advisors, provide assistance to users

With the goal of offering the best legal strategy to protect the fundamental rights of vulnerable populations, the UIS Legal Clinic and Conciliation Center, affiliated with Escuela de Derecho y Ciencia Política de la Universidad Industrial de Santander, began attending to users this Monday.

Initially, until the end of this month, legal assistance will be provided from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at its facilities located at the Sede UIS Bucarica, accessible via the side entrance (Calle 35 # 18-68).

Committed to providing free and high-quality legal services, the  Consultorio Jurídico y Centro de Conciliación UIS opens its doors.

“We are pleased to inform the university community and society in general that we are ready, we are attending, and we are providing legal services. That is why it is important to invite all those in need, especially the vulnerable population requiring legal advice or representation in various areas of law: labor, civil, commercial, criminal, and family law, with an inclusive approach,” stated Professor Clara Inés Tapias Padilla, Director of the Consultorio Jurídico y Centro de Conciliación UIS.

It is worth mentioning that this service is provided free of charge and meets the highest quality standards, thanks to the support of ninth- and tenth-semester law students and faculty advisors.

Legal assistance for vulnerable populations is provided at the Sede UIS Bucarica facilities.

“To access our services, one must qualify as a subject of special constitutional protection, meaning they must belong to socioeconomic strata 1, 2, or 3. The student, alongside the area advisor, will determine the best legal strategy to protect these fundamental rights. Our mission, as a team, is to support and protect those who need it most. We are fully committed to offering the best possible service,” explained Professor Tapias Padilla.

She added, “We must verify the socioeconomic stratum because this is a free service, and we need to ensure that the person is genuinely eligible. This service is intended for individuals who lack the financial resources to hire a lawyer. Our goal is to ensure that the service reaches those who truly need it. Therefore, we require certain evidence, such as a utility bill, and we also verify information through different platforms to confirm that the applicant qualifies as a subject of special constitutional protection. This includes the elderly, people with disabilities, single mothers, migrants, and victims of armed conflict—individuals who fall within our scope of assistance.”

Professor Clara Inés Tapias also highlighted the inclusive approach of the clinic, which includes assistance for individuals with hearing disabilities through Colombian Sign Language (LSC). “We have differential approaches, such as gender and disability inclusion. Additionally, we have a key transversal line focusing on migration and assistance for victims of conflict. Given the current situation, this is especially important for people arriving in Bucaramanga who may not be aware that they have an ally in the Consultorio Jurídico de la UIS she emphasized.

At the Sede UIS Bucarica, the Consultorio Jurídico y Centro de Conciliación has started serving the community.

Finally, the director announced that by the end of February, services will be available from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. “As you can understand, we are also in a training process, where students are currently undergoing preparation and guidance in legal practice at the Consultorio Jurídico 3. After completing the conciliation course induction, they will be ready to provide assistance under the best possible conditions. For now, we are attending in the mornings, but soon we will extend services to both morning and afternoon shifts. The key message is: We are here for you. Seek legal advice. The 1991 Political Constitution protects us as citizens. Our students are highly committed and ready to offer their best to safeguard the rights of our beneficiaries.”