With the purpose of remembering Hegel, one of the most important thinkers of modernity, the School of Law and Political Science will hold the seminar ‘Hegelian Messages: 200 years after Hegel’s Philosophy of Law’.
Hegel’s Philosophy of Law is one of the most important works of German legal philosophical discourse and has become one of the most important works for legal scholars.
In 2021 alone, multiple celebrations and recognitions were held in different countries of the world around this work.
The meeting will be held this Wednesday, February 2, through remote in-person modality, starting at 10:00 am. It will be broadcast live, via Facebook, from the page of the School of Law and Political Science UIS: www.facebook.com/UISDerecho – @UISDerecho
“For the School of Law and Political Science of the Universidad Industrial de Santander it is essential to discuss about this work, to know and disseminate the approaches of this thinker, with the hope that, by critically studying his approaches, we can build more and better reasoning on the law,” said Javier Alejandro Acevedo Guerrero, director of the School of Law and Political Science of the Universidad Industrial de Santander. The experts invited to the discussion are: Carlos Pérez Soto, professor of Physics and international lecturer (Universidad Andrés Bello – Chile), and the moderator will be Manuel Eduardo Moreno García, doctoral candidate in Philosophy and professor at the UIS.