As a space for reunion, coexistence, integration and recreation among UIS graduates, the Alumni Meeting was held as part of the commemoration …

With the aim of providing quality of life to millions of women around the world who suffer from breast cancer, industrial designers …

A study conducted by UIS professors Jürg Niederbacher Velásquez and Álvaro Javier Idrovo Velandia, together with Jeadran Malagón Rojas and Yesith Toloza …

A new species of spiny mouse called ‘Neacomys Marci’ has been discovered in Ecuador, which makes it the fourteenth of its genus …

What began as an idea was the seed to plant a great communication project of the UIS, with which the University would …

The School of Philosophy, within the framework of the IV Conference on Feminism and Philosophy, invites undergraduate and graduate students from Universidad …

At the Hospital Universitario de Santander (HUS) in Bucaramanga, a beacon of hope is lit with the arrival of the Milwaukee Wisconsin …

It took more than 10 years of research that led a group of scientists to discover 5 new species of eyelashed vipers …

In a significant act of institutional collaboration, Sociedad de Activos Especiales (SAE) has delivered to Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) a property …