The Language Institute of the Universidad Industrial de Santander opens registrations, starting this week, for children, adolescents and adults who wish to …

Professors Julián Rodríguez Ferreira and Efrén Darío Acevedo Cárdenas will travel next Thursday, January 25 from Bucaramanga to Antarctica to join the …

With the aim of generating a research and extension alliance that puts knowledge at the service of the welfare of entrepreneurs and …

Students from schools in Bucaramanga and its metropolitan area who were finalists in the UIS Regional Mathematics Olympics are medalists in the …

Sandra Milena Velasco Herrera, professor and nutritionist UIS, assumed as the new coordinator of Food Services of Student Welfare. “It is an …

The Ministry of Health and Social Protection and the Colombian Institute of Technical Standards and Certification (ICONTEC) awarded the Hospital Universitario de …

The Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) was the scene of a momentous event when it received representatives from the renowned University of …

In a significant event for the academic community and international diplomacy, the Directorate of External Relations, Relex, of the Universidad Industrial de …

The Escuela de Derecho y Ciencia Política UIS is conducting orientation for students beginning their professional practice in the Consultorio Jurídico y …