The Ministry of Health and Social Protection and the Colombian Institute of Technical Standards and Certification (ICONTEC) awarded the Hospital Universitario de …

The Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) was the scene of a momentous event when it received representatives from the renowned University of …

In a significant event for the academic community and international diplomacy, the Directorate of External Relations, Relex, of the Universidad Industrial de …

The School of Philosophy, within the framework of the IV Conference on Feminism and Philosophy, invites undergraduate and graduate students from Universidad …

At the Hospital Universitario de Santander (HUS) in Bucaramanga, a beacon of hope is lit with the arrival of the Milwaukee Wisconsin …

A total of 226 elementary, middle, and high school students who participated in the Semillero Matemático y del Club Semillero Matemático Euler …

The Escuela de Derecho y Ciencia Política UIS held the “Discussion of Rulings from the Administrative Tribunal of Santander: Rafael Gutiérrez Solano …

“Music and Matter: Lutherie in Bucaramanga” is the name of the exhibition organized by 6th and 8th semester Plastic Arts students at …

The terms of the strategic alliance for the consolidation of the launching of the Colombian Institute of Petroleum and Energy Transition, Icpet, …