Communications Department On Sunday, March 6, the UIS Athletic Race returns in-person modality, which this year will have a four-kilometer course within …

Communications Department The Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) will open, starting Sunday, January 16, once again the doors of its main campus …

This Monday, January 17th, we will give continuity to the component of citizenship and Colombian civility in CÁTEDRA UIS, with the lecture …

The compliance with the vaccination of the UIS community that daily attends the different campuses of the University has made this on-site …

Communications Department.If you like teaching and have experience in this area, this information is of your interest. From January 17 to February …

With the creation of a portable water purification module that seeks to benefit communities living in informal settlements in large cities in …

Communications Department With the commitment to maintain a permanent and constructive dialogue with the research community of the Universidad Industrial de Santander, …

Communications Department The Vice Rector’s Office for Research and Extension (VIE) offers a new channel of attention via WhatsApp for professors, students, …

A study conducted by UIS professors Jürg Niederbacher Velásquez and Álvaro Javier Idrovo Velandia, together with Jeadran Malagón Rojas and Yesith Toloza …