With 31 votes in favor, out of a total of 35, the professor attached to the School of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials …

With the creation of a portable water purification module that seeks to benefit communities living in informal settlements in large cities in …

Communications Department With the commitment to maintain a permanent and constructive dialogue with the research community of the Universidad Industrial de Santander, …

Communications Department The Vice Rector’s Office for Research and Extension (VIE) offers a new channel of attention via WhatsApp for professors, students, …

In order to offer services and spaces that facilitate students’ preparation for final exams, the UIS Central Library will remain open 24 …

Student #UIS If you know a student or yourself need pants, shirts, shoes, bags, among others, it is time to ASK FOR …

For two days the audit team of the Colombian Institute of Technical Standards and Certification – ICONTEC, visited the different strategic, missional, …

From the Directorate of Foreign Relations and through the Institutional Alumni Program, the program is managed to grant visibility and institutional recognition …