The Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS), is positioned as the third best public university in Colombia, according to the most recent report …

Colombian music continues to cross borders thanks to Tunarte UIS, which continues its tour in Spain. With songs like Que nadie sepa …

As part of the external evaluation for accreditation renewal purposes of the undergraduate programs of Civil Engineering and Nutrition and Dietetics, the …

Tunarte UIS, a tuna attached to the School of Arts of the UIS, began its third international tour in Spain. During this …

The Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS), through the Oficina Relaciones Exteriores (RELEXT), received 23 new students from 19 foreign institutions and four …

In commemoration of the 140th anniversary of the birth of master Luis A. Calvo, the Communications Directorate of the Universidad Industrial de …

Within the framework of the XIX edition of the Colombian Regional Congress of Oil, Gas and Energy, the Universidad Industrial de Santander, …

This Thursday, September 1, begins the cultural festival with the longest history and national and international recognition in the city:  39 Festival …

The Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) was the scene of a momentous event when it received representatives from the renowned University of …