Members of the UIS Aerospace Rocketry Semillero won first place in the ‘CanSat’ category, and were also the best in the combined …

A space to update information, generate exchange of knowledge and be at the forefront of issues that impact the field of engineering …

Student #UIS If you know a student or yourself need pants, shirts, shoes, bags, among others, it is time to ASK FOR …

For two days the audit team of the Colombian Institute of Technical Standards and Certification – ICONTEC, visited the different strategic, missional, …

From the Directorate of Foreign Relations and through the Institutional Alumni Program, the program is managed to grant visibility and institutional recognition …

A new species of spiny mouse called ‘Neacomys Marci’ has been discovered in Ecuador, which makes it the fourteenth of its genus …

What began as an idea was the seed to plant a great communication project of the UIS, with which the University would …

Professor and researcher Guillermo Alfonso González Villegas was sworn in as Full Member of the Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural …

“Music and Matter: Lutherie in Bucaramanga” is the name of the exhibition organized by 6th and 8th semester Plastic Arts students at …