In this opportunity the university community and the general public can learn about the research advances made by the Universidad Industrial de …

For two more years, the engineer Luis Orlando Aguirre Rodríguez, representing the professors of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS), was sworn …

With the purpose of initiating the process of verification of the quality conditions, the School of Philosophy of the Universidad Industrial de …

The Language School and the Oficina de Relaciones Exteriores of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS), invite students administrators and professors to …

The Archivo Oral de Memoria de las Víctimas (Amovi-UIS), invites the community to review the inventories it has updated, both of its …

In the heart of Bucaramanga, right on 39th Street and 19th, among the old streets that once witnessed a hectic and hidden …

The commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the existence of the Civil Engineering program at the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) was …

The Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) has taken a significant step towards modernizing its educational infrastructure. On September 20, the Superior Council …

The Language Institute of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) welcomed the students of the English extension program for adults, whose classes …