The Academic Council of the Universidad Industrial de Santander wants to welcome the entire university community to the start of academic and administrative activities in 2022 wishing everyone the best for health and well-being.
In accordance with Directive no. 09 of December 30, 2021, of the Ministerio National de Educación and the Resolution of the Ministerio de Salud y Proteción Social no. 2157 of December 20, 2021, where it ratifies what it is defined in the Agreement of the Academic Council no. 340 of 2021, “by means of which measures were adopted related to the beginning of training and extension activities as from the second academic period of 2021”, in the sense of developing all the activities of the academic programs in the modality registered in each of their qualified registrations and without capacity limitations due to the health emergency.
Considering the current epidemiological situation in the country, this Council reiterates the call to continue assuming responsibility for the commitment to individual and collective care, to preserve self-care protocols and measures, as well as to abide by the guidelines established by the Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social and the University.
The report of the individual’s health status when there are signs of contagion or situations that warrant isolation will be carried out by filling out the “Pasaporte de Movilidad UIS”. Once the situation is registered, entry to the university campus will be disabled for seven consecutive days. This will be the appropriate mechanism to formalize the development of the corresponding activities in the remote modality of the student, professor, or administrative personnel. Professors must use the Zoom room, considering the eventualities that may arise, and consult the student health report in the respective information system.
This Council calls for a sense of social responsibility, collective trust, respect, and compliance with biosafety protocols according to the new guidelines and, in particular, to maintain the use of face masks in all institutional settings, specific time in closed spaces for social interaction, and to complete the vaccination schedules defined for each case.
It is with the work and contributions of all that we manage to maintain the development of missionary functions and commitment to the community.
January 11, 2022