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Coming soon!… Presentation of the results of the dialogue initiative ‘Tenemos que hablar Colombia’

More than 5 thousand Colombians from all corners of the country joined ‘Tenemos que hablar Colombia’ (THQ), a national initiative that seeks to promote a plural, diverse, inclusive and representative conversation for the country.

For the implementation of this national strategy, six universities (Eafit, Industrial de Santander, Nacional, Andes, del Valle and del Norte) joined forces and, with the support of Grupo Sura and Fundación Ideas para la Paz (FIP), carried out a large national conversation with the methodological transfer of Tenemos Que Hablar from Chile. In that country, the exercise had been carried out almost a year earlier, after the protests that began due to the increase in the price of the subway ticket, in October 2019.

In an unprecedented way in the Country, each region was represented by its own inhabitants, without any distinction, seeking to imagine and build the Colombia of the future. “We are responsible for what 5 thousand Colombians told us, we are responsible that what they shared with us, those concerns, those ideas, those proposals, which are very important for them, are also very important for the national debate,” Said Santiago Silva, manager of TQH.

The ‘Tenemos que hablar Colombia’ dialogues began in August 2021 and lasted almost five months. A total of 1,453 conversations were held with 5,159 people from all over the country. These conversations yielded findings and citizen mandates that will be delivered next March 24, at the Virgilio Barco Library (Bogota), where the candidates for the Presidency of the Republic are expected to be present.

The most common topics of conversation in the dialogues were education, politics, culture, corruption, peace, biodiversity, environment and justice, among others, which answered the questions: What would you like to change, what would you like to improve and what would you like to maintain?

The information gathered will be presented to the communities, public opinion, authorities, representative bodies and other actors who can take it into account in their analysis and in the generation of public policies, as well as in their government plans.

In figures

  • 5,000 participants
  • 11,000 registrants
  • 30,000 calls
  • 1,453 conversation sections
  • 2,600 hours of conversation
  • 19 national initiatives
  • 35 regional and local initiatives

Keep the conversation going!