With the aim of promoting culture, art and recreation, from the Cultural Direction of the Universidad Industrial de Santander spaces loaded with theater, concerts, exhibitions, among others, were opened for the enjoyment of the entire community.
This week’s events begin with a new edition of #MartesdeCafé, Folk-pop Bio show, which will feature the participation of the artist BELA, who from a very young age began writing songs, listening to protest music, rock, folk and pop, her compositions stand out for their melodies and lyrics for their high emotional content. The event will take place at the Luis A. Calvo auditorium at 5:00 pm. Admission is free for the entire UIS community and individuals who are interested in the event can manage their tickets at the following link: https://bit.ly/MartesCafé8Feb
Scenic Thursday arrives with the play ‘El Carpintero’ by Oscar Vega, an oral narration that will catch all the public with its humor, irony and the life of each of the characters. This show will take place at the José Antonio Galán Open Air Auditorium starting at 4:00 p.m. Admission is free for the entire UIS community and individuals who are interested in the event can manage their tickets at the following link: https://bit.ly/TiqueteraUIScultural In addition to this, throughout the month of February there will be an exhibition of photographs taken for ‘Ciudad de historias y arreboles, Bucaramanga 400 years, in which photographers such as Mauricio Olaya, Juan Manuel Esparza, Víctor Zambrano, among others, exhibit their work. The cultural exhibition is open to the public at the Rafael Prada Ardila and Gustavo Gómez Ardila Exhibition Hall, Cultural Management Office – Luis A. Calvo auditorium.