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Centre for Scientific, Technical and Innovation Cooperation of Russian Southwest State University, to develop partnerships with the UIS

The director of the Center for Scientific, Technical and Innovation Cooperation with Ibero-American Countries of the Southwest State University of Russia, Dr. Nikolai Sergeevich Frolov, met with professors of the Universidad Industrial de Santander at the beginning of an academic-scientific visit.

With the support of the Directorate of Foreign Relations of the UIS, the Russian researcher began the exchange of information with UIS professors of that nationality or trained in that country, to undertake scientific cooperation activities in the different faculties and schools of the university.

The purpose of this visit of Professor Nicolai Frolov to the UIS – which is not the first time – is to establish a cooperation agreement with the University.  “We want to establish training projects in the technical and scientific part, but also in the Vocational Training part. The idea is to start working with a research project in the aerospace part, specifically in satellites, but also in the field of mechatronics,” said Professor Frolov.

Recently recommended by the Russian Embassy in Colombia, but also from the Embassy of our country in the Russian Federation, Professor Frolov commented: “The first thing we are going to do is a series of scientific conferences in those areas, especially in aerospace, cosmic research. For this purpose, we are going to establish the first contacts with the scientists of my country and we have already identified the areas in which we are going to work between the Southwest State University of Russia and the Industrial University of Santander”.

Regarding the strengths they can offer to the agreement, he said that “the most important thing is that the Southwest State University of Russia already has a lot of experience in this type of scientific and technical work. We already have about 20 graduates who have studied how to send satellites into space. We have worked with 19 students from Ecuador and one Peruvian who are already trained to launch satellites, but no Colombians yet, so we hope that there will be many Colombians”. 

For his part, Carlos Enrique Vecino Arenas, director of External Relations of the UIS, emphasized that “from this Directorate we are always looking for new opportunities for academic-scientific alliances with important universities and research centers in the world. In this case, with Professor Nicolai S. Friolov, who wants to promote a relationship in the aerospace area, particularly in the positioning of satellites in Earth orbit”.

Professor Vecino Arenas emphasized that this initiative seeks to select some graduate students so that they can be trained in this type of research. “We already have in the past students of ours who have worked, for example, with Professor Julian Rodriguez in this activity of positioning and launching satellites for earth orbit, and with them we would have the possibility of expanding this type of important collaborations and the potential that we have developed from the university”.

On the other hand, he commented that “fortunately we have collaborative ties with several professors of Russian origin or trained in Russia, as is the case of Professor Elena Stashenko, Professor Kafarov or Professor Jorge Chacón. We are going to expand this collaborative scope to ensure that the UIS continues to position itself internationally in this academic-scientific community.

We hope to be able to link our research groups with Russian research groups and join with some Latin American universities for this type of initiatives”, concluded the director of External Relations of the UIS.

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