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“Results of the Regional Academic Mobility Program (MARCA) in accredited careers – XII Call”, of MERCOSUR

The MARCA Program is the first academic mobility program promoted by governments from the MERCOSUR Education Sector. The member and associated countries of the bloc participate in this program, encouraging regional integration among the MERCOSUR countries, through projects among the careers accredited by the Quality Accreditation Mechanism of the MERCOSUR Education Sector. Mobility is carried […]

English Language Conversation Club to be held on April 4th

The Language School and the Oficina de Relaciones Exteriores of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS), invite students administrators and professors to participate in the English Language Conversation Clubs. The activity will take place in two sessions, between April 4th and May 27th. The first one from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. for students and administrative […]

Professors and students from the school of health will learn about academic exchange options offered by the UIS foreign affairs office.

Communications Department In order to clarify concerns regarding agreements as well as national and international mobility, the professionals of the External Relations Office, Nidia Milena Jaimes Padilla and Mayra Jurado Villamizar, will present to students and professors of the Health Faculty the different options that exist to have an academic exchange experience. Day: March 10th […]

Open call for scholarships from the Fundación Carolina

The UIS Office of External Relations informs that the Call for Scholarships 2022-2023 of the Funcación Carolina is now open. Doctoral scholarships and postdoctoral short internships. 40 PhD scholarships and 50 short stays scholarships are being called among all candidates submitted by institutions and universities according to the cooperation agreements signed bilaterally. The deadline for […]

Open call for scholarships from the fundación Carolina

The Directorate of External Relations of the UIS informs that the Call for Scholarships 2022-2023 of the Carolina Foundation is open. Doctoral scholarships and postdoctoral short stays 40 PhD scholarships and 50 short stays scholarships are being called among all candidates submitted by institutions and universities according to the cooperation agreements signed bilaterally. The deadline […]

Start of the call for outgoing mobility 2022-2

The time has come for students interested in participating in national or international academic mobility initiatives, during the second semester of 2022, to be properly informed and to complete the necessary steps to make this purpose a reality. To this end The Office of External Relations invites undergraduate in-person modality and distance learning students and […]