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39°Festival Internacional de Piano UIS, Let the music play, masters!

Bucaramanga and Santander are preparing to experience, from September 1 to 11, the cultural festival with the longest history and national and international recognition in the capital of Santander: Bucaramanga and Santander are preparing to experience, from September 1 to 11, the cultural festival with the most extended history and national and international recognition in […]

UIS Mechanical, Metallurgical and Civil Engineering received ABET accreditation

The Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering and Civil Engineering programs of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) were internationally accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Natural and Applied Sciences (ANSAC) of ABET. “Thus, it concludes in a very positive way the process of articulation and collective work that began in 2017 the deanships of the two […]

The 39th International Piano Festival opened with the Lithuanian pianist Mūza Rubackytė

Lithuanian pianist Mūza Rubackytė was the special guest at the launch of the 39th UIS International Piano Festival, the most nationally and internationally recognized cultural event in Bucaramanga and the most important pianistic reference in Colombia. With works by composers Godowsky and Chopin, this gala recital by the Lithuanian pianist was the best preamble to […]

International Engineering Open: An eighth opportunity for meeting and updating

A space to update information, generate exchange of knowledge and be at the forefront of issues that impact the field of engineering and society in general, is the International Engineering Open in its VIII edition that takes place from today until next Thursday, August 4 at the UIS Bucarica headquarters. During the installation of the […]

Successful audit of ICONTEC to the University

For two days the audit team of the Colombian Institute of Technical Standards and Certification – ICONTEC, visited the different strategic, missional, evaluation and support processes of the main headquarters and the regional headquarters Malaga and Barbosa, in order to monitor the Quality Management System of the University, under the ISO 9001: 2015 standard. The […]

UIS paper received Best paper recognition at the international conference TMREES22-Fr

Rusber Rodríguez, PhD student in Engineering, Electrical Engineering area, participated as a speaker at the international conference on technologies and materials for renewable energies, environment and sustainability – TMREES22-Fr held in Metz, France, May 9-11, 2022. The conference was attended by 211 research papers from 37 countries. The research presented is entitled “Sizing of a […]

Juan Manuel Santos and Rodrigo Londoño met at the UIS to talk about peace

With the intention of analyzing the creation and implementation of the Peace Agreement between the Colombian State and the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC-EP), the Universidad Industrial de Santander organized a new edition of ‘Cátedra de Paz, Convivencia y Ciudadanía’, with the participation of the former president of the Republic, Juan Manuel Santos Calderón […]