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“Self-care capsules”, new information space for Student Welfare

Communications Department With the objective of contributing to the improvement of the quality of life of the university population, the Coordination of integral health and psychosocial development services of Student Welfare will offer the Self-care Capsules, an initiative that seeks to generate closeness with students through topics of interest that benefit health, developed through playful […]

Bienestar estudiantil strengthens prevention programs against skin cancer and other diseases

With the purpose of providing information and guidance to members of the academic community, the UIS held the first massive day of the campaign: ‘Prevention of skin cancer’, this included academic talks and topics of interest, related to this pathology. This was a strategic alliance between Bienestar Estudiantil and the Santandereana League Against Cancer, where […]

Cytology tests for free

Communications Department The initiative of nursing student Elisa María Marulanda Moreno, who is currently developing her clinical practice in Bienestar Estudiantil through the Programa Docente Asistencial (PDA), was the incentive that prompted the organization of a day of free cytology tests without appointment for the students of this house of studies. Promoting the use of […]