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Students of the Genetics and Biotechnology Seminar stand out in a scientific dissemination event.

Image showing the students at the event held in Bogota.

Biology students Diana Carolina Grimaldos González, María Andrea Caviedes Joya and Danna Valentina Morantes Estévez presented their research projects at the Ibero-American Contest of Student Science and Technology Projects (Infomatrix Colombia 2024). This event aims to promote scientific culture for social benefit through science outreach projects in which students from 5 to 25 years of […]

Biology Master’s student represents UIS in scientific event in Guadalajara (Mexico)

Imagen que muestra a la estudiante Daniela Johanna Mojica Candela en el Congreso Latinoamericano de Genética

Daniela Johanna Mojica Candela, Master’s student in Biology at the UIS, participated in the XIX Latin American Congress of Genetics with the research work on the ‘Revision of the scope of conservation genetics in birds of the family Trochilidae’. This research was carried out together with Leidy Johanna Rueda and Professor Fernando Rondón González. There, […]

UIS researcher discovers two new snake species in Santander… An amazing find!

It took more than 10 years of research that led a group of scientists to discover 5 new species of eyelashed vipers (Bothriechis schlegelii) in Colombia and Ecuador. Of these species, 2 are unique to Santander and were described thanks to the Herpetology Collection of the Natural History Museum of the School of Biology of […]

UIS graduate discovered a new species of spiny mouse in Ecuador: ‘Neacomys Marci’.

A new species of spiny mouse called ‘Neacomys Marci’ has been discovered in Ecuador, which makes it the fourteenth of its genus identified in the last five years. A UIS graduate participated in the interdisciplinary research that began about four years ago. He is biologist Javier Colmenares Pinzón, who, together with Nicolás Tinoco, from the […]

The Biological Integration Seminar begins on thursday 24th

Communications Department In order to share and exchange knowledge on advances in biological and related sciences, this Thursday, February 24th, the Biological Integration Seminar will begin, a face-to-face meeting between undergraduate and graduate students in Biology. The Graduate Advisory Committee of the Master’s Program in Biology, with the approval of the School Council, has prepared […]