CÁTEDRA LIBRE is now available in digital version on our website and in a few days in print edition, with some current issues of Santander and Colombia, as well as of the University. The article “Inflation eats up family income” stands out on the cover, since the cost of the family basket has risen 17% compared to the increase of the minimum wage, decreed for this year by the National Government at 10.07%.
It continues with an article on the astonishing level of contagion and the complications that the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 has shown, in the text “It is not just any flu”. Also on the pandemic is the adaptation of a research article that questions an orientation of the Colombian health institutions: “Is it necessary to immunize children against COVID-19?”, in which the prioritization of immunizing this population group over that of the parents is controversial with studies and arguments.
Interesting and topical is also the great debate generated as a consequence of the arrival of the Omicron variant, which is shown in the text “¿Cancelar los eventos deportivos? and how some specific cases were solved.
The Universidad Industrial de Santander, currently engaged in the process of self-evaluation for the renewal of its Institutional Accreditation, could not miss this appointment of actuality, a message from the rector who in the editorial invites the entire UIS community to continue in this commitment to the culture of quality and continuous improvement of the institution.
The text “Genesis since the XIX century”, which takes us back to the educational projects, the Schools of Arts and Crafts and the Industrial Technical Institute, which led to the creation of the Universidad Industrial de Santander and the subsequent development of the educational vocation of this region, also celebrates a new anniversary of the University, which celebrates 74 years since it opened its doors in 1948.
Also very current is the topic “The ABC’s of the labor disconnection”, which through a series of questions about this recently approved law, Diego Alfredo López Porras, professor of the School of Law and Political Science, solves for us.
Of permanent actuality in this 2022 is the 400th anniversary of Bucaramanga, whose spaces receive a tribute with the chronicle of three emblematic places of the city where the stories were born, by the historian and editor Cristina Úsuga.
A brief review and commentary on the complete synthesis that Professor Blanca Inés Prada Márquez, in co-authorship with lawyer Gustavo Galvis Arenas, made in the book Los griegos: eternos maestros de la humanidad (The Greeks: eternal masters of humanity). It is also interesting to know some aspects of the activity of the UIS Theater Group, which has demonstrated through its work in other parts of the city and the province, that “Santander can also be educated from the stage”.
This issue ends with the traditional Books section to satiate the desire to read, with the recommended books and bibliographic novelties.
Enjoy this new edition of Cátedra Libre, which also circulates in paper. Download Cátedra Libre by clicking on this link [+] [+].