In view of the termination of Dr. Hernán Porras Díaz’s term as Rector, scheduled for May 6, 2022, the Superior Council of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS), meeting on January 31, 2022, issued the following agreements:
El Acuerdo no. 001 by which the call for the process of designation of the rector of the Universidad Industrial de Santander for the period 2022 – 2025 is approved and El Acuerdo no. 002 by which the Opinion Consultation defined for the process of designation of the rector of the UIS is regulated.
In turn, the Academic Council in session of February 01, 2022, issued El Acuerdo no. 024 which establishes how the requirements will be verified and the academic merits of the candidates for the position of Rector of the Universidad Industrial de Santander, for the period 2022 – 2025 will be evaluated.
Pursuant to what has been established, in accordance with the General Statute of the University, the registration of candidates is summoned according to the following dates:
February 07 to 11, 2022:
Nomination of candidates. The registration shall be made by means of a communication addressed to the e-mail account of the General Secretariat of the University secgral0@uis.edu.co from February 7 at 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. on February 11, 2022. Applicants for Rector must express their free and informed will to register as candidates for the appointment as Rector of the University and attach the following documents:
1. Resume, together with the supports they consider pertinent to demonstrate that they meet the requirements and qualities demanded.
2. Proposed Management Plan.
3. Document type color photo.
4. Communication in which a personal delegate is designated, who will act as overseer during the process of designation of the rector. Members of the Superior or Academic Council may not be overseers.
5. Declaration made under oath that they are not under any constitutional or legal cause of disqualification or incompatibility.
For the certification of compliance with the requirements and the evaluation of academic merits, only the documentation submitted by the applicants up to the deadline established for the application will be taken into account.
For more information on this process, please find attached the agreements of the Superior Council No. 001 y 002 del 31 de enero de 2022, and the agreement of the Academic Council No. 024 del 01 de febrero de 2022.
Acuerdo Superior No. 001 de 2022
Superior Agreement No. 002 of 2022
Academic Agreement No. 024 of 2024