In the company of the Rector of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS), Hernán Porras Díaz, a session of the Board of Directors of the Specialized Health Unit (UISALUD) was held. During this meeting, issues of great importance were discussed, such as the management report for 2024, the budget projection for 2025 and the regulations for the functions of the Board of Directors.
“We presented to the UISALUD Board of Directors, chaired by the Rector, an initial proposal for the Board’s operating regulations. This issue was the subject of a first debate and will undoubtedly require further revisions in the next sessions,” said Gonzalo Gómez Patiño, director of UISALUD.

Another highlight was the evaluation of the Unit’s budgetary status, by analyzing its financial behavior since its creation to date, in order to outline the basis for the 2025 budget. “We examined the proposed budget for next year, evaluating the historical and last year’s financial behavior. This will allow us to structure a solid proposal, which will have to be approved by the Superior Council,” indicated Myriam Ruiz, representative of the university’s management to the UISALUD Board of Trustees.
Finally, the Board of Trustees analyzed statistics related to the behavior of certain diseases that have shown an increase among UISALUD users. In addition, the financial impact of these trends was discussed, which will help to guide more effective care and prevention strategies.
The session reaffirmed UISALUD’s commitment to the efficient management of resources and the continuous improvement of the services offered to the university community.