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Bienestar Estudiantil conducts characterization exams for first level students

Students taking the characterization exams.

With the aim of knowing the biopsychosocial status, cognitive abilities and reasoning of new students, Student Welfare of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS), in collaboration with the Academic Excellence System (SEA), conduct characterization and entrance exams aimed at students who start their first level at the central campus.

“We are conducting a series of personal tests to identify the characteristics of students entering the university and, with this, develop strategies and programs that respond to their needs. In addition, we carry out an entrance medical examination, dental assessments and cardiovascular risk screenings,” explained Liliana Xiomara Moreno Solano, coordinator of the Comprehensive Health and Psychosocial Development Services of Student Welfare.

Early detection, a key tool

For the health professionals at Bienestar Estudiantil, this strategy is fundamental in the early detection and prevention of disorders in newly admitted students. “These exams allow us to evaluate family and personal history, in addition to identifying problems such as obesity, visual difficulties, hearing impairments, and spinal conditions, among others. Subsequently, we make referrals to the appropriate programs within the university,” said Martha Cirley Villamizar Villamizar, Student Welfare doctor.

Student in medical consultation, performed by a health professional from Bienestar Estudiantil.

Recognition from students and their families

Students who have participated in these tests, which will be available until Friday, January 31, recognized the importance of this initiative. “I think it’s great that the university is looking out for our health, doing tests and giving us recommendations to keep us in good shape,” commented Freddy Rodriguez Duarte, a Petroleum Engineering student.

For their part, the cognitive tests also received praise from the participants, who considered them useful tools to successfully start the academic calendar. “They were very important because they help us identify our difficulties in reasoning and mathematics, which allows us to have an assessment of our cognitive abilities,” added María Delgado Meléndez, a student of Basic Primary Education.

Student in a dental examination, performed by a health professional from Bienestar Estudiantil.

Peace of mind for parents

Some parents, who accompanied their children during the process, highlighted the university’s commitment to student welfare, which generates confidence, especially for those who come from remote regions. “We come from La Guajira, we are 12 hours away, and although it is complicated for any parent to be separated from their children, knowing that they are in a university that looks after their welfare gives us peace of mind,” commented Elías Arrieta, a parent.

With this initiative, the UIS reinforces its commitment to the integral formation of its students, ensuring that the new members of the university community begin their academic stage in the best possible conditions.