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Available slots second call for Medical-Surgical Specialties 2021

 Image showing information about the available slots for the call for applications
Available slots for the second call for Medical-Surgical Specialties 2021

Communications Department

The Universidad Industrial de Santander, in compliance with its mission and objectives, offers through the School of Medicine of the School of Health the following specialization programs in clinical areas that still have available places.

Specialization in Anesthesiology and Resuscitation43716
Specialization in Gynecology and Obstetrics – Resolución 22998 de 30 de noviembre/2021 del MEN43710
Specialization in Pediatrics – Resolución 17528 del 14 de septiembre/2021 del MEN53714
Available slots

Location of the programs: Bucaramanga – Santander

Validity of the qualified registration of the programs of Gynecology and Obstetrics and Pediatrics: 7 years.

The dates of the different stages of the call are defined in Agreement 003 of January 19, 2022 issued by the Academic Council of the Universidad Industrial de Santander.