Close to a thousand people arrived at the auditorio Luis A. Calvo of the Universidad Indsutrial de Santander to await President Gustavo Petro, who arrived shortly after nine o’clock on Tuesday night, accompanied by some of his ministers, including those of Transportation, Environment, and Health, as well as several congressmen and senators, to advance the Summit of Actions for Peace.
Representatives from various socio-economic sectors are present at the venue with the aim of being heard by the president.
Prior to his trip to Bucaramanga, the president visited the municipality of Málaga, where he made several announcements, including a very important one for UIS: the injection of national resources for the completion of the University Park of the UIS headquarters in this municipality, in the capital of the García Rovira Province.
Through his social networks, the UIS rector, Hernán Porras, thanked this support for public education: “With the support of the National Government and the accompaniment of Minister Aurora Vergara, the new UIS Málaga Campus will become an emblematic campus that will revolutionize education in the region. Thank you for your support.”
“I thank President Gustavo Petro for his support for development projects in the García Rovira region and for supporting the consolidation of works at the UIS Málaga Campus. Together we move towards a more prosperous and equitable future.”
Addressing the issue of environmental sustainability, President Gustavo Petro emphasized the importance of academia for the environment’s benefit: “Through UIS, we must transfer knowledge towards clean energies; the great brain of clean energies could be at this university. It would be the center of clean energies in Colombia, and we are willing to financially support the process.”

“Likewise, he emphasized the infrastructure changes that UIS has undergone, ‘these inaugurations at UIS are not just about bricks; they signify a change in society, its intellectualism, and thought, its shift in understanding the region. That’s what politics is about, changing the world.’
‘In Colombia, infrastructure in higher education was at a standstill. That is already changing. Today, we are delivering the Humanities Campus of the Universidad Indsutrial de Santander UIS, and we are launching the construction of the campus in Málaga, Santander.’
Shortly before 11:00 at night, a helicopter from the Fifth Brigade transported the president to Palonegro Airport, and from there, he headed to Bogotá.”