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UIS Malaga campus commemorates 29 years of academic excellence in the region

Comunidad universitaria asiste a la conmemoración de la Sede UIS Málaga

The UIS Malaga Campus proudly celebrated 29 years of history and academic excellence in the province of Garcia Rovira, North and Gutierrez. For almost three decades, this institution has been a fundamental pillar in professional training, with around 5 thousand students trained and more than 1,200 graduates who today contribute to regional development.

The commemoration began with a flag raising. In this significant event, the university community gathered to pay tribute to the institution and its trajectory in the academic formation of the region.

During the ceremony, the flag was raised by professors, administrative staff and students, in an act full of symbolism and sense of belonging.

  • Hymn of Colombia – Professor Julián Botero, from the Zootechnics program, raised the flag.
  • Santander Anthem – The flag was raised by Genny Yolima Rangel, administrative of the Financial area.
  • Anthem of the Universidad Industrial de Santander – The student Priscila Alexandra Cárdenas Gómez, from the Forestry Engineering program, raised the flag.

Artistic and musical presentations were also protagonists of the day. The Ensamble and Zambomba groups filled the event with melody, rhythm and color, enhancing the celebration with their talent.
The coordinator of the UIS Malaga Campus, Deicy Dalila Delgado Diaz, highlighted the impact of the institution in the region and the progress achieved in these 29 years, not only in terms of professional training, but also in infrastructure and new academic programs.

“In these 29 years, we have also invested in laboratory equipment, computer equipment, furniture and infrastructure adequacy in the facilities that gave birth to the Custodio García Rovira University Foundation.

Today, we will all make history at the UIS Malaga Campus, as we are witnessing the construction of a new university campus, which will not only improve the infrastructure conditions, but will also open new academic programs oriented to the potential of our province, such as the programs of Veterinary Medicine and Agricultural Engineering. But that is not all, a master’s degree in Geographic Information Systems for Agricultural Production will be formulated, which will undoubtedly contribute to the improvement of agricultural processes in the region,” said the Coordinator.

As part of the celebration, awards were presented to outstanding students for their academic performance and their participation in cultural and sports groups. In addition, special recognition was given to Julián Camilo Quintero Suárez, student representative to the Site Council.

The students honored were:
Animal Husbandry Program: Doris Viviana García Rodríguez, Linney Yurani Correa Flórez, María Micaela Roa Díaz, Adriana Valentina Villamizar Ramírez, Silvia Lorena Reyes Guerrero.

Forestry Engineering Program: Carmen Elena Sánchez Arias, Gloria Elizabeth Medina García, William Fernando Durán Roa, Erika Paola Padilla Padilla, Moisés David Piza Lozano.

Civil Engineering: Elkin Mauricio Garavito López, Zaibeth Sofía Ramírez Bermúdez.

Electronic Engineering: Marlon Andrés Cárdenas Rojas.

Mechanical Engineering: Kevin Daniel Sepúlveda Hernández, Carlos Eduardo Cristancho Ochoa, Gerson Stebeen Suárez Romero.

Systems Engineering: Juan David Neira Meza, William Fernando Basto Corzo, Sergio David Ortiz Hernández, Javier Alberto Alean González.

Zambomba Dance Group: Karoll Giselly Castellanos, Mayra Yisley Jerez Peña, Andrea Juliana Reyes Ibáñez, Yuris Marian Corredor Rodríguez.

Musical Ensemble Group: Brayan Esteban Ríos Amado, Angélica María Roa Díaz.

Sports groups: Germán David Jaimes Palacios, Adriana Valentina Villamizar Ramírez, Fabián Ricardo Ballesteros Camacho, Winyi Kevin Galindo Rodríguez, Yenith Yurley León Prada.

To end the day, a Holy Eucharist was held as a symbol of gratitude for these 29 years of history, learning and growth in the region. Also, there was an exhibition of masks, led by the professor of plastic and urban arts, Hender Moreno, in which students demonstrated their creativity and artistic talent.

From the UIS Alaga Campus, we thank each student, teacher, graduate and administrative who has been part of this story. We continue building together the future of our campus and strengthening the legacy of the Universidad Industrial de Santander in the region.