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The university community commemorated 77 years of institutional life of the UIS

Image showing the facade of Carrera 27.

The university community of the Universidad Industrial de Santander commemorated the 77th anniversary of the institution during a symbolic act at the main entrance of the central campus and in the different regional branches.

“The University was a total change for my life, I came from a public school, of low socioeconomic status and the UIS represented for me a social mobility. It was a scenario where I learned a lot about academia and my life was transformed with friendships and what the University gave me,” said Karen Pérez Picón, UIS professor and graduate.

Image showing executives during the flag-raising ceremony.

On March 1, 1948, work began at the UIS, a group of 20 students entered for the first time to study one of the three programs offered at that time.

Mechanical, Chemical and Electrical Engineering were the pioneers of what today is the Universidad Industrial de Santander, which currently has more than 23 thousand active students in 148 academic programs and more than 104 thousand graduates throughout its history.

Image showing the UIS Choir

“Being UIS is synonymous with family, union, academia, because the UIS has been everything for me in the formation throughout my life,” mentioned Kevin Alfonso Sierra, graduate of Industrial Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.

This special date was also commemorated at the Barbosa, Malaga, Barrancabermeja and Socorro campuses, places where pride in belonging to the Universidad Industrial de Santander was also felt.