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U24 Fest reached its third day with the start of ‘De puertas pa’ fuera’ and keynote lectures

Image of Professor Juan Carlos Ortiz in his lecture during the event 'De puertas pa' fuera'.

The ninth edition of the event ‘De puertas pa’ fuera’ began this Wednesday with different activities focused on sharing experiences of the industrial designer’s work through the participation of graduates, students and professors.

On the opening day, the conference ‘What is the common good in social design’, by Juan Carlos Ortiz, professor at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), who was the international guest, stood out. His presence at the UIS was made possible thanks to the Office of External Relations and the support of Icetex.

This event takes place within the framework of the U24 Fest and runs until Friday.

At the same time, the first day of the master lectures was held with Mario Álvarez Chavarro and María Virginia Portillo, who gave the conferences ‘Sumercé is not creative because she doesn’t want to’ and ‘Responsible Innovation: Why? What for? and How?’, respectively.

Mario Álvarez in his U24 Fest keynote lecture

This year’s U24 Fest has the slogan “Ideas to protect life” and is carried out with the aim of generating an impact on the academic community and society in general. Each activity aims to create spaces where everyone can share their ideas and expectations, where they can explore how to care for and improve life in all its forms, promoting collective awareness and concrete actions for a better life.